解决方案查找器 技術支援

Check authenticity TOP227YN

Posted by: Pcb on

You need to check whether the two types of TOP227YN are genuine.

Please refer to the attached file for photos.


Submitted by PI-Wrench on 10/11/2023

The 1st picture looks to be a genuine device, but the lot number on the second device might indicate that it is a TOP224YN rather than a TOP227YN as marked.

Submitted by Pcb on 10/12/2023

I have three additional questions.

1. Is the TOP224YN product incorrectly printed as TOP227YN?

2. Did a printing error occur at the factory?

3. What does 84416B in the second photo mean?

     I would like to know how to identify 224YN by lot number.

Submitted by PI-Wrench on 10/13/2023

It may also be that someone polished off the logo on the TOP224YN and replaced it with TOP227YN to be able to sell it at a higher price. All the fakers have laser markers now. The only sure way to tell would be to run the suspect part in your TOP227 application and see where it power limits. There will be no danger in trying this  -  if the transformer is designed to operate at the higher current of a TOP227, there will be no danger of the transformer saturating at the current limit available from a lowly TOP224.

Submitted by Pcb on 10/19/2023

Can product shape vary depending on the manufacturing plant?

Submitted by PI-Wrench on 10/20/2023

Good Question - I'll ask.

Submitted by PI-Wrench on 10/20/2023

As a side note, one of our QA engineers noted that the lot number on the second part (844166B) was traceable to a build of TOP224YN, not TOP227YN, and that the lot number and date code (2027) cannot be traced back to any build of TOP227YN. This leads me to believe that the  part was polished down and re-marked as a TOP227YN, and that they used the lot code from the original marking when the part was re-marked. Usually counterfeiters just make up a random lot number and date code when they play these games.