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DER-903 Design Bug

Posted by: bsayiner on

Hi everyone,

I'm working a project that using InnoSwitch3-EP INN3279C-H215 IC. So DER-903 reference desing good resources for me. 

When I look the schematic (Figure-3, Page-7), i see that T1 transformer pins is wrong. No:4 pin is duplicated. Is it typo mistake or another reason for this numbering.

Also Page-28 Input HF Common Mode Choke Specifications 250 µH Common Mode Choke marked as (L3). But in the schematic L3 component doesn't exists.


Can you clarify these items please?


Best regards



Submitted by PI-Wrench on 08/22/2022

Sometimes things slip through, even with multiple people checking the documents - thanks for catching these. On the schematic, the duplicate pin 4 on the bias winding should be pin 2. It is called out correctly on the actual transformer construction drawing. As for the 250 uH "L3" called out on page 28 of the report, this is actually L1 on the schematic.