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380Vac input power supply

Posted by: Luciano on

Can I change to LNK364 on this power supply?


I need hight votage input but more output power (7W).


Submitted by PI-Sarek on 02/11/2009


You can use the same basic concept as the DI-124.

Together with the PI integrated switcher, you will need to change tjhe input filter components and redesign the transformer.

We offer a tool that can be downloaded freely from our website. This tool can help you with some of the design choices and with the design of the transformer.

Please use the link below to download the software:



Submitted by Luciano on 02/11/2009
The problem is 380Vac is not allowed on PI. I have a power supply using LNK364 and I need configure it to input=380Vac instead (max allowed:265Vac) What Can I do? Can I put the MOSFET as this example: http://www.powerint.com/sites/default/files/PDFFiles/di124.pdf ?