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initialization the INN3378C

Posted by: bogejiayou on

The first time to use INN3378C, do not know how to initialize the chip, download the InnoSwitch3-Pro Code Library and API for Microchip PIC16F18325 library file on the official website, submitted the application has been a week, So far, the official has not replied to my download link. Now it is urgent to know how to initialize the chip and what parameters to initialize. Hope to help, thank you!


Submitted by PI-kMachine on 08/17/2023

Hi bogejiayou,

It would seem you encountered a problem during download. Normally, once you have registered, the download process should start right away. If it didn't the modal pop-up panel will also show the link for the download.

As for the initialization, all the instructions can be found in our application notes (AN-74 - InnoSwitch3-Pro Programming Manual and AN-78 - InnoSwitch3-Pro Code Library using PIC16F18325).



Submitted by bogejiayou on 08/17/2023

Hi kMachine!

Thanks for you help! You are right. There was a problem with the download, I tried to switch the browser, but it didn't work, but after I tried to switch the language from Chinese to English, I submitted the form again and the download began. Hope the official website can fix this problem. Thank you again.