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Pi Expert Magnetics database issue

Posted by: Tomeco on

The engine for the Component library has changed. I don't quite understand it.

I added my own core in the Magnetics database (in that weird copying way) Fig.1.

Then when I go into the project and try to select this core in the "Core selection" dialog, it is not there Fig.2.

What am I doing wrong?


Attachment 大小
Fig.2 17.26 KB
Fig.1 39.73 KB


Submitted by PI-Star Lord on 12/15/2022

Hi Tomeco.

Thank you for reaching out to us.

Most likely the problem is that you did not link any bobbin to your custom core. If the core does not have any bobbin associated with it, PI Expert will not be able to actively use it on any design.

To link one or more bobbins to your custom core follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Magnetic Database
  2. Select your custom core in the Core table.
  3. Tick the check box with the label (Show all parts) at the bottom of the Magnetic Selection tab (the one with the green upper bezel)
  4. Now, move focus on the Bobbin Table. The first column, named Use, contains a check box for each record.  By ticking the check box in each individual record, you are linking them to your custom core (which you should have selected beforehand and should currently be highlighted on the Core table).
  5. Define what is the default bobbin for your custom core. If you have linked more than 1 bobbin for your custom core, you need to defined which one is the default option PI Expert should use when the core is selected (this choice can be overwritten once the design has been created). You can do this by clicking on the tab named Core Parameters. Look for the parameter named Default Bobbin.
  6. Close the Magnetic Database and reopen your design. You should now be able to see your custom core in the list of available options.


Hope this helps.

Best regards,

PI - Star Lord


Submitted by Tomeco on 12/20/2022

Thanks, this works.